Sunday 12 December 2010

Ghetto Gospel

. Diegetic sounds
. Opens with narrative
. We don't see the artist, the whole video is more cinematic because the director want you to focus on the        narrative
. Establishing shots, Flash backs, Chronological order, Attempt to achieve realism.
. The name of the son is an example of juxtaposition: oxymoronic 'Ghetto' - 'Gospel' the words don't go together

- Helicopters, radio, speaking, police (diegetic)

- pathetic fallacy; rain, weather adds to mood ( rain, sad )
- point of view shot to immerse we are part os the narrative which enhances realism.
- panning camera is ground level to make the audience feel part of the narrative.
- song comes in after the narrative.
- defocusing add to the realism.
- flashbacks; intrigue the audience.
- graphic matches; lyrics match the narrative
- urbanisation, establishing shops; churches, roads, city
- last supper on the wall, could signify the characters last meal.
- she is happy, all codes establish they are good people.
- costume & body language tell us they are a gang.
- close up on drugs progress the narrative
- messing with friends show youthfulness.
- overlooks cityscape, character aims to get out of the city, another reference to religion ( Godlike)
...possibly wants to get out of the city, may feel trapped.
- video starts and ends at the same place.

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