Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Important Language:

Connotation:  A description of value, meaning or ideology associated with a media text.
Ideology: How we as individuals understand the world in which we live.
Industry: The agencies and institutions involved with the production of media texts.
Narrative: The telling of a plot or story. In a media text, narrative is the coherent 
sequencing of events across time and space.
Match on Action: Using edits whereby different objects or people are doing the same thing. E.g: A close up on one persons hands typing then a close up on another persons hands typing. 
Representation: The process by which a constructed media text stands for, symbolises, describes or represents people, places, events or ideas that are real and have an existence outside the text.
Code: This is the meaning behind a text, something that varies between industries and products.
Conventions: This is something that you would expect to see in a text. For example every magazine has a title, barcode and contents etc. 
30 degree rule:  This is a jump cut whereby you don't move the camera more than 30 degrees to give the effect of a jump rather than an edit. 
180 degree rule: This is important to ensure that the audience remain in the same position when making edits between shots to make sure that the orientation is the same.
Intertextuality: is the reference to other media texts within a text. 
Amplification: This is when new meaning is added to the song.
Disjunction: This is when the lyrics contradict the video and vice versa. 

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