Katy Perry
AS part of my A2 course I have decided to focus in on one particular artist and research into their marketing strategies to find out what seems to be more popular and successful. Having won nominations and sold numerous albums I have decided to use Katy Perry as my min focus.
At the age of 26 Katy Perry (singer/songwriter) hasn’t done bad for herself, rising in the summer of 2008 to her current status with the aid of her pop music and larger than life attitude. It took much hard work and rejection for Katy to get where she is now, but being one of the industries brightest pop stars wasn’t going to come easy. But with her time and determination bought success and achievements.
Katy Perry has become most popular with fans through her online music promotion; she has adopted ideas from social networking sights and other aspects of the internet in order to intrigue her fans. Recently she had a public countdown on Facebook to the revealing of the cover of her album. By doing this she was not only publicizing her album but also keeping her fans excited and curious. Katy also unlike most artists provides the public with ‘previews’ of her music videos, this encourages a stronger relationship with her audience because they feel that she is letting them inside this world that other artists do not because they do not want their fans to be involved in because of this ‘perfect image’ they portray in their music videos.
As with most artists Katy’s merchandise is promoted on her Myspace page and her official website. However, her merchandise has also been promoted in some particularly interesting ways. Two of the main ways she finds helps promoted her more than anything is
1) Wearing your own merchandise
2) Getting other celebrities to wear your merchandise
Wearing your own merchandise is an extremely effective way to make your fans aware of your products. By getting other celebrities to wear your merchandise creates awareness to it not only to your audience but to fans of other public figures.
In 200 Katy released her album ‘one of the boys’ and in order to ensure it was a success and she connected with her fans rightfully she embarked on a 2 month radio station tour, this promoted her as an artist and her album with the single ‘I kissed a girl’ climbing to the top of the charts. After the release of her album and the continuous growth of her fans Katy was set to be involved in many music festivals nationwide, to help establish her as a recording artist and great performer.

Good research, Lucy.