As part of the course we are require to produce a website to market our band and connect them to their audience. Before doing this I am going to analyse an existing website that has been created as a way of marketing an already famous artist. Katy Perry is my chosen artist.
This is the home page of Katy Perry's official website, it has many conventions of a marketing website. Just under the tabs there is links to follow katy perry on twitter, facebook, bebo, youtube and itunes. This immediately draws the observers attention and encourages them to follow Katy perry, the social sites that she has chosen will increase her fan base because they are considered to be more personal than a normal website. We are then encouraged to join, this is probably a way of making her fans feel 'more in touch' with her. By joining as an official member it gives Katy Perry her fans trust and loyalty which will probably improve her motivation and enthusiasm.
Directly below this is a photograph of Katy Perry, this puts a face to the name, a simple way of making her noticed by her audience. To the right of this we are given the opportunity to download her music. This is important for an artist or band, because it encourages the audience to purchase the music rather than illegally download. Having music to download on a website is a convention of music websites.
Websites usually consist of biography's, tour dates, photo's, video's, merchandise and forums for fans to connect with each other.
Further down the page there is a list of tour dates and the chance to buy tickets. Again this is another marketing strategy that encourages the audience to buy tickets. A video has been posted by the editor in relation to her recent tour, showing behind the scenes rehearsals featuring Katy Perry and her cast. This video will surely psych her audience who are attending her concert and again brings a sense of personality to the website which enables the fans to build a relationship with the artist.
This screen shot shows how Katy personally connects with her audience, she regularly updates her fans with tweets. Which is a social networking site that enables her fans to speak to her personally.
I like the colour's on Katy's website, I think they make a statement about her personality. Katy is usually recognised for her 'candy like' costumes and themes. However i think this colour scheme is completely opposite. The black background could be a code for her bold personality, but with the added pink (sweetness) so she is a bold person in the industry but is still girly and sweet. This is effective in promoting herself as a strong person with added personality. |
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