Sunday, 27 February 2011

Filming, Take 2

Having reviewed the footage we already have we decided to take another day out to film more after realising that there was so much more potential for this video than we had thought. So we set out to London, Myself and 2 other group members. We was extremely lucky with the weather on this day, it was definitely shining to our advantage. We created the usual set up; bags done, tripod our, DSLR ready for when needed, camcorder ready to go & i-pod playing. We thought it would be a good idea to have an i-pod playing the song in order to make it easier when putting the lip sync and song together, it mad our singing more accurate and in time with the music.
This time however, instead of just staying in the current location we deviated from here and found ourselves filming in a park which added to the Bohemian style of the song.
It was another successful day shooting.

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